
Pam's Insurance Site

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Pam's Insurance Site

When I bought my first house, I was already going into a lot of debt. I didn't have the money to seriously insure it, so I bought only the bare minimum without consulting an insurance professional. That was a big mistake on my part. It could have turned out alright. That is, if my house hadn't been in the path of a huge storm. Huge gale winds knocked a tree down straight through my roof. My house was practically destroyed, and my minimal policy didn't cover nearly enough. I spent years and years trying to get myself out of that financial mess. Since then, I have always been very cautious in learning about insurance and talking to the real professionals.


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What Happens If A Contractor Injures An Office Worker?

If you're contracted to do work at an office building or are looking to hire a contractor, you'll probably need to do at least some of the work while businesses are open. That creates the risk of an office worker getting injured by falling debris, tripping on tools, or some other hazard. What would happen if someone gets hurt, and how do you protect yourself?

The Office Worker Can Use Their Health Insurance

If an office worker is injured, they could just use their health insurance. However, that doesn't mean the health insurance company will pick up the entire bill.

For example, most health insurance plans have deductibles and copays that someone will have to pay. Also, the injured person may have lost wages or other claims not covered by health insurance. Finally, the health insurance company may try to get reimbursement from whoever caused the injuries.

You should never assume that someone else's health insurance will protect you from having to pay for their injuries. 

The Office Worker Can Sue The Contractor

The office worker can also choose to sue the contractor for medical bills, lost wages, or other expenses. In many cases, the contractor will have to pay. Contractors have a duty to secure their worksites and prevent people in the area from being injured.

A contractor would only escape liability in unusual circumstances such as a person getting hurt because they climbed over a fence into a blocked off area. Otherwise, the contractor will need to file a claim with their insurance company.

The Office Worker Can Sue the Building Owner

The office worker can also sue whoever owns the building. The building owner is responsible because they hired the contractor. An injured person might sue the building owner because they don't want to try to figure out who was actually responsible or because they don't think the contractor will have money to pay them.

The building owner might pursue legal action against the contractor, but a judge can still find the owner liable and make them pay the office worker. For this reason, you should always make sure the contractors you hire have adequate contractors insurance.

Contractors insurance protects the individual contractor, the business or building owner, and the office worker. It's a smart decision to invest in a good insurance policy or to make sure the contractor you employ has a good policy. 

To learn more or to purchase a policy, contact a local contractors insurance company today.