
Pam's Insurance Site

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Pam's Insurance Site

When I bought my first house, I was already going into a lot of debt. I didn't have the money to seriously insure it, so I bought only the bare minimum without consulting an insurance professional. That was a big mistake on my part. It could have turned out alright. That is, if my house hadn't been in the path of a huge storm. Huge gale winds knocked a tree down straight through my roof. My house was practically destroyed, and my minimal policy didn't cover nearly enough. I spent years and years trying to get myself out of that financial mess. Since then, I have always been very cautious in learning about insurance and talking to the real professionals.


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Understanding The Various Types Of Home Insurance
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What Are The Benefits Of Hiring An Independent Car Insurance Agent?

Finding a suitable car insurance plan on your own can be a pain. Other than comparing different types of policies, you also need to confirm the reputation of different insurance companies and their rates before making a choice. Opting to work with an independent car insurance agent can make the entire process easier. These agents sell auto insurance plans from different companies and can assist you in finding an ideal plan for your car. Read More 

4 Facts To Know About Commercial Auto Insurance For Your Business

If you use a vehicle for your small business or manage a large company that has a full fleet of vehicles, you should have commercial auto insurance coverage to protect you from certain liabilities. Commercial auto insurance is different from a personal insurance plan, and a business auto insurance policy can provide you with specific coverage that your business should have. To make the process of buying a commercial auto insurance plan easier, you can review these important facts. Read More 

Getting The Insurance Policy That You Need

Insurance premiums in the United States recently held a collective $5.03 trillion value. These premiums add up because customers need all sorts of insurance plans, such as automobile, life insurance, health insurance, and business insurance. When you know that you're in need of an insurance policy, there are several professionals that can set you up with quotes on a plan. Let the tips in this article help you so that you can get what you need from your insurance provider. Read More 

4 Times Liability Insurance Isn’t Enough

Unfortunately, there are all too many situations in which liability insurance is not enough to cover your vehicle. No matter the situation you find yourself in, it is likely that your current auto insurance policy is not enough. Do you want to make the most of your auto insurance coverage? These are some of the situations in which you might find that your current coverage is not quite enough. You Rear-End Another Vehicle Read More 

Simple Tips For Finding And Buying Your First Car Insurance Policy

When you move out of your parents' home and into your own place, you need to be ready to pay for your own expenses. One of these expenses can involve paying for your own coverage for your vehicle.  However, if your parents paid for your coverage until recently, you may not be sure of what to look for in a new policy. You can use several simple tips to help you find and buy the right car insurance for you and your vehicle. Read More