
Pam's Insurance Site

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Pam's Insurance Site

When I bought my first house, I was already going into a lot of debt. I didn't have the money to seriously insure it, so I bought only the bare minimum without consulting an insurance professional. That was a big mistake on my part. It could have turned out alright. That is, if my house hadn't been in the path of a huge storm. Huge gale winds knocked a tree down straight through my roof. My house was practically destroyed, and my minimal policy didn't cover nearly enough. I spent years and years trying to get myself out of that financial mess. Since then, I have always been very cautious in learning about insurance and talking to the real professionals.


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Simple Tips For Finding And Buying Your First Car Insurance Policy

When you move out of your parents' home and into your own place, you need to be ready to pay for your own expenses. One of these expenses can involve paying for your own coverage for your vehicle. 

However, if your parents paid for your coverage until recently, you may not be sure of what to look for in a new policy. You can use several simple tips to help you find and buy the right car insurance for you and your vehicle.

Learn if You Need Full Coverage

Before you shop around for new car insurance policies, you need to find out if you need full coverage for your vehicle. Depending on in what state you live, you may be required to carry full coverage if you have a loan on your vehicle. 

The lienholder may require full coverage to ensure that it can get most or all of the loan balance if your car is stolen or you get in a wreck and total the vehicle. The finance company or bank that extended the loan to you will not allow you to get liability-only coverage because this type of policy only pays for other people's property damage.

Consider Roadside Coverage

Additionally, when you shop for car insurance, you need to determine if you need roadside assistance as a motorist. If you do not know how to change your own tire, for example, you may want to add roadside assistance to your car insurance policy. This coverage would spare you from being stranded on the side of the road or having to pay for roadside help out of your own pocket.

Roadside assistance added onto your car insurance can also be used if or when you need a tow or winch out in bad weather or after a wreck. You can call your car insurance company, tell them that you were in a wreck, and request that a tow truck come help you. The car insurance company will dispatch a local tow service to your location and pay for the towing for you by making a claim against your car insurance policy.

These are some tips to think about when you are shopping for your first car insurance policy. You need to determine if you need full coverage, particularly if you have a loan on your vehicle. You can also decide if you need roadside assistance. Contact a car insurance company for more information.